
Would you like to find an effective large pore treatment? Improve the appearance of fine lines? Do you want to find an acne scar treatment that gives results? AYA Beauty is here to help!

What is Dermapen and how does it Micro-needling work?

Dermapen is the industry’s leading micro-needling device, which works on the skin’s natural ability to repair itself. This treatment significantly improves the appearance of large pores as well as lifting, tightening and rejuvenating the skin.

The Dermapen device uses tiny needles to gently puncture the skin, causing a series of traumatic punctures. The skin will respond back to this by producing natural collagen and elastin to repair itself.

Dermapen is suitable for use on the face and body, for both male and female clients. It is less invasive than many alternative solutions, and you can normally return to your daily activities straight away (although you may notice some redness/swelling).

What does the treatment involve?

Your treatment journey will begin with your aesthetician starting with a consultation to discuss your requirements, before taking you to a treatment room to cleanse your face and assess your skin type to achieve your skin goals.

We will then determine which depth of Dermapen treatment your skin will need. The depth of needle punctures can vary depending on your skin concern. For example, acne scars require a deeper treatment over that area of skin. We will also be able to estimate how many sessions you will need for the best results, and whether you’ll need an UBER chemical peel with your microneedling facial.

When you’re ready to start your treatment, the Dermapen will be applied over your skin with a smooth glide, puncturing 1300 channels into your skin every second.

It will feel uncomfortable, but not painful. However, if you are concerned about the pain, simple over-the-counter pain killers 30 minutes before your appointment is recommended. The treatment lasts for 45 minutes, including an LED Dermalux Light therapy session. If we are treating other parts of your body, such as loose stomach skin, the treatment may take longer.

A cocktail of serums are specially chosen for your treatment. If you are looking for dramatic results, we recommend a chemical peel (UBER Pro Peel) immediately after your micro-needling treatment as your skin channels are open.

Aftercare will be discussed on the day of your treatment. SPF will be applied before you leave the salon to protect your skin from direct light. Your aesthetician will advise you on how soon you should book your next treatment (between 3-6 weeks).

What are the benefits?

Micro-needling can treat several common skin conditions on all skin types on all areas of the face and body. It’s ideal to treat the following:

  • Acne scars or other scarring
  • Large pore treatment
  • Milia treatment
  • Fine lines and wrinkles
  • Dull, shallow skin
  • Can be used to treat delicate skin under the eye
  • Can be used to treat lines on lip-line

Dermapen treatment is also suitable for the following concerns on the body:

  • Stretch marks
  • Surgical scars
  • Loose skin

Dermapen/Micro-needling can be used to tighten loose skin after weight loss. It is an excellent device for helping to tighten mild cases of loose stomach skin.

Frequently Asked Questions

How does the Dermapen work?

Dermapen is a pen-like device with multiple tiny needles at the tip is glided over the skin creating small, gentle punctures on the skin. This stimulates a wound healing response with intense renewal, repair, and rejuvenation.

What is the Über Pro Chemical Peel?

This is a chemical peel which is suitable for application immediately after a microneedling facial procedure, ÜBER Pro chemical peel is a versatile formulation of actives that work together for an impressively showing result. Containing mandelic, lactic, pyruvic, ferulic, and kojic acids, the chemical peel is fortified with potent retinaldehyde, copper peptides, niacinamide, and hyaluronic acid. ÜBER PRO chemical peel is suitable for post-needling application that treats and targets:

  • Aged complexions
  • Hyperpigmentation
  • Melasma
  • Milia
  • Acne scar treatment
How long do the results last?

Rejuvenating results last for approximately 12 months. If Dermapen is used to treat scars or stretch marks, the improvements are permanent.

Is Dermapen safe for everyone?

This microneedling treatment is not suitable for people who are pregnant, breastfeeding or have keloid scarring or are immunocompromised with delayed wound healing.

Will I need any time off work?

The Dermapen treatment comes with a very minimal recovery period. You should be able to resume your daily routine almost immediately or within a few hours- although it depends on what depth of Dermapen treatment you have. You may notice some redness or mild swelling, but this should subside within the first 24 hours.

What precautions should I take after my Dermapen treatment?
  • Use the aftercare products as recommended by your aesthetic therapist
  • Avoid extreme temperatures (hot water, saunas, etc.) for 48 hours
  • Avoid unnecessary contact with the treated area for 48 hours
  • Avoid intense sunshine for 14 days after your procedure. You must wear high factor (30+) SPF during this time.
  • Skin can often feel very dry for the week after Dermapen. Medical mosituriser is recommended.
Are aftercare products required?

Yes, you should apply Juliette Armand’s Vitamin B Complex serum to your face for at least 5 days following your treatment. You will be able to purchase them in our salon on the day of your treatment.

An SPF should always be applied specially after your Dermapen treatment.



Single Treatment
Course of 3
Course of 6
£405 (or £135 per treatment)
£750 (or £125 per treatment)
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Dermapen & Chemical Peel

Course of 3
£450 (or £140 per treatment)
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Stretch Marks & Loose Skin

Course of 3
Course of 6
£675 (or £225 per treatment)
£1200 (or £300 per treatment)
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